
The Family Table

J. Wiley Adams The family meal is an occasion that can help to unify the family. Memories of pleasant times around the table for me are very pronounced. This is true whether I look back to my own boyhood days or whether I consider the matter in terms of my own family, children and grandchildren….

Eulogy for Mom

In October 2000 a touching article appeared in the pages of truth magazine entitled “Eulogy for Mom”. I can only assume this was delivered by Lewis Willis at the funeral of his mother Wilhelmina Elizabeth Thompson Willis. With Mother’s Day approaching and some discourse occurring in the political arena regarding the value of stay-at-home moms,…

Children Need A Father

by Heath Rogers Actress Jennifer Aniston has come under fire for comments that she has recently made in which she dismissed the need of fathers in having and raising children. Aniston is reported to have said that “times have changed” when it comes to thinking about the traditional family. She went on to say, “Women…