
The Family Table

J. Wiley Adams The family meal is an occasion that can help to unify the family. Memories of pleasant times around the table for me are very pronounced. This is true whether I look back to my own boyhood days or whether I consider the matter in terms of my own family, children and grandchildren….

Godly Families in the Local Church Who Get Involved Together

Where have all the godly families gone? They are disappearing rapidly. They are disappearing from society due to the high rate of divorce, “dead-beat” dads, child abuse (emotional, physical and sexual), and juvenile delinquency. Godly families are also disappearing from local churches of Christ. I see more and more parents attending by themselves without one…

Eulogy for Mom

In October 2000 a touching article appeared in the pages of truth magazine entitled “Eulogy for Mom”. I can only assume this was delivered by Lewis Willis at the funeral of his mother Wilhelmina Elizabeth Thompson Willis. With Mother’s Day approaching and some discourse occurring in the political arena regarding the value of stay-at-home moms,…

The Home

Leslie Diestelkamp If it is true that, “As the home goes, so goes the nation,” then it is even more significantly true that “As the home goes, so goes the church.” Just as surely as a nation will not rise above the quality of homes which make it up, so the church cannot expect to…